Mind Body Restoration

Learning Throughout Life

New information constantly emerges as our scientific knowledge expands. Healthy Beings is happy to share articles, information directly from scientists, white papers from research journals and other sources to help keep you informed on the most current information. Keep checking back for updates!

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Weight Loss in an Obese World - How Nutrition Can Change the Scale

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the National Health Statistics Reports released the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (which covered obesity data collected from 2017 to March 2020-prepandemic). According to this survey, the...


Why Do I Crave Junk Food?

For many of us, there’s nothing tastier than sweets or fatty foods, full of salt and grease, and overflowing with empty calories. Removing junk food from your diet is one of the most effective steps you can take for a long, healthy life, but junk food...


How Diet Impacts Health and Longevity

Our regular diet and nutritional choices have a profound impact on our health and longevity. Good dietary choices help us live longer, more active lives with fewer illnesses. Unhealthy eating habits not only reduce how long a person may have to live, but they...


Value of High Dose Vitamin C

Vitamin C is one of the most important micronutrients required for good health. Vitamin C, also called ascorbic acid, helps the immune system work correctly, is essential for the production of collagen, and is a powerful antioxidant. It’s also not a nutrient...


Wild vs Farmed Salmon

Salmon is one of the most popular fish in the world, known for its delectable taste and its proven health benefits. Every year consumers in the U.S. eat about 400,000 tons of salmon. The demand for salmon is only increasing, and it’s the skyrocketing demand...


The Myers Cocktail

The Myers Cocktail is an IV drip infusion that replenishes the body’s depleted stores of vitamins and minerals. Dr. John Meyers developed this IV cocktail formula in the 1970s to treat common medical conditions including muscle spasms, fatigue, migraines,...


What are antinutrients?

Plant-based foods are rich in nutrients and deliver amazing health benefits for surprisingly few calories. However, “antinutrients” are also found in the same fruits, vegetables, and grains that are so nutritious. This leaves us with a puzzle—what do we do...


Effects of Acute and Chronic Dehydration

The human body is over 70-percent water, so it’s not surprising that dehydration can be a serious medical issue. Dehydration results when we use or lose more water than we bring in. Illness can cause dehydration, as can exertion and exposure to heat....


Why Fermented and Living Foods?

The modern Western diet of highly refined, processed foods, filled with sugar and fat, is causing serious harm to the health of millions of people. These diets result in high levels of inflammation in the digestive tract and throughout the body, and are a...

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