Mind Body Restoration

Why Does My Gut Not Like My New Diet?

Deciding to take better control of your health is fantastic. The significant switch from poor diet choices to better and healthier meals feels great. Unfortunately, some of these positive changes make things worse before they get better. Herxheimer reaction, or die-off events, are one of the main examples of feeling worse before you feel better. By understanding it, and being prepared, the symptoms can be prevented or treated. 

Herx-reactions-upset-gut-with-new-diet-1Causes Of Herx Reactions 

The cause of Herx reactions is not well known. Researchers have hypothesized that several things could be to blame. One is an increase in endotoxins, which is a type of pyrogen (substance release by bacteria), found living inside bacteria or fungi like yeast. This happens when the bad bacteria or yeast die and release their stores of endotoxins. Another hypothesis is an increase in cytokine during a die of event. "Cytokines are small secreted proteins release by cells have a specific effect on the interaction and communications between cells."(Zhang and An, 2007)The cause of Herx reactions is not well known. Researchers have hypothesized that several things could be to blame. One is an increase in endotoxins, which is a type of pyrogen (substance release by bacteria), found living inside bacteria or fungi like yeast. This happens when the bad bacteria or yeast die and release their stores of endotoxins. Another hypothesis is an increase in cytokine during a die of event. "Cytokines are small secreted proteins release by cells have a specific effect on the interaction and communications between cells."

Symptoms Of Herx Reactions

Symptoms of Herx reaction can vary among different people. It is important to remember these symptoms don’t necessarily mean your probiotic or diet changes are or are not working. Sometimes, it might just be your body managing an overload of toxins. The time line and specific symptoms are different for each person and each die-off event. In general, they happen within a day or two of the change and last for about 48 hours. In rare cases it can take a few weeks to resolve, and it is important to talk with your provider to make sure you are managing the Herx reaction appropriately. Besides the common flu-like symptoms, other common types of symptoms are in this table.

  • Headache 
  • Brain fog 
  • Fatigue  
  • Fever 
  • Sore throat 
  • Nausea 
  • Bloating 
  • Diarrhea 
  • Constipation 
  • Low energy 

If you are pregnant, Herx reactions can cause contractions and even pre-term labor. It is especially important to speak to your doctor prior to any cleanses or changes in diet and supplements if you are expecting. 

Types of Die-Off Events 

There are different types of die-off events. The two main ones include small intestine bacteria overgrowth (SIBO) and Parasite Die-off. 

Small Intestine Bacterial Overgrowth commonly called SIBO usually happens when there is an imbalance and overgrowth of bacteria in the small intestine. Ideally, most of the gut bacteria should be in the large intestine and colon. The purpose of these bacteria in the large intestine is to help break down food and get rid of waste. When these bacteria creep into the small intestine in large numbers, it causes bacteria overgrowth. When  treatment is started for SIBO, and the bacteria die, the endotoxins released into your system can cause a Herx reaction.

Parasites are organisms that feed, survive, and live off of other organisms. Parasite die-off happens when the parasites in the human body like tapeworms, roundworms, hookworms, etc. die and release neurotoxins into the body. When the body struggles to get rid of these toxins, it causes a Herx reaction.

Treatment For Herx Reactions

Although Herx reactions can be quite uncomfortable, it is usually not serious. There is no treatment for this, and it will resolve on its own. However, it can be more difficult for those with weak immune systems. If you have a compromised immune system, talk with your provider before making any changes that could cause Herx reactions. The best line of action against a Herx reaction is to manage the symptoms and help your body flush the toxins out. As the liver and kidney are the key filters for toxins, any extra care for them will also reduce the symptoms. 

  • Drink water. Water does many wonderful things for us, including flushing out toxins.
  • Sweat It OutOne good and easy way to get rid of toxins is to sweat it out. You can do different exercises to achieve this. Another way is to soak in a hot epsom salt bath or use a sauna
  • Take activated charcoal.This works like a magnet that attracts the toxins or toxic by-products released during die-off. It then carries these toxins or by-products out of the body so that you won't reabsorb them again. You need to know that activated charcoals are not ordinary charcoals. These charcoals have gone through processes that make them 'activated'.
  • Liver Detox. Supporting your liver with a liver detox will help with the elimination of toxins and reduce the overall burden on the body, lessening the symptoms and chances of experiencing a Herx reaction.

The tips above will support your body to reduce, or prevent, Herx reactions, and there are other ways as well. A health coach will work with you to create a personalized plan to avoid some of the common difficulties with making healthy life-style changes that can result in Herx reactions. 


  1. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5239707/ 
  2. https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2010/11/101101083144.htm#:~:text=Antibiotics%20that%20are%20prescribed%20to,to%20the%20antibiotic%20to%20flourish
  3. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5239707/
  4. http://www.myerowitzchiroacu.com/lyme-disease/herx-reactions/#:~:text=Herxheimer%20or%20Herx%20Reactions%20are,%2C%20nausea%2C%20or%20other%20symptoms.
  5. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/15896248/
  6. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2785020/

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