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There are many dietary supplements that can be used to help maintain optimal wellness. But not all supplements are the same when it comes to specific health goals. Some nutrients can be more beneficial than others when trying to lose weight. It can be difficult to determine what is needed to support a healthy diet and what should be avoided. Read on to learn the five most important nutrients and supplements for weight loss to develop a successful course of action.


How can Nutrients and Supplements Support Weight Loss?

The process of converting food into energy and nutrients is managed through metabolism. A faster metabolism burns through calories rapidly which makes it harder to amass extra weight. While genetics play a large part in how active each person’s metabolism is, there are some nutrients and supplements that may help support the process. It’s important to note that consumption of healthy foods is the best way to assure appropriate levels of vitamins and minerals in the body. Talk to your doctor or health coach about any deficiency worries, especially if you are trying to actively lose weight.


What Nutrients and Supplements Are Most Important for Weight Loss?

There are 5 main nutrients and supplements for weight loss to best support your health plan. They are:

  1. B Vitamins
  2. Calcium
  3. Iron
  4. Vitamin D
  5. Magnesium

Here is why each one is important and how they can contribute towards a healthy weight loss journey.


B Vitamins

There are eight B Vitamins that all contribute to maintaining wellness goals. A deficiency in one of them can cause the others to become unbalanced which results in a sluggish metabolism. The slower a metabolism is, the easier it becomes for the body to store nutrients as fat instead of using them for energy. It’s important to note that one B Vitamin, B-12, can only be consumed naturally through animal products like fish, beef, dairy, ham, and chicken. This means vegans and vegetarians may already be deficient and need alternative supplementing.



Some scientists believe that proper calcium consumption is critical to maintaining healthy bones, blood sugar levels, and your metabolism. Like Vitamin D, more research is needed to confirm the exact role that this supplement plays in weight management. Calcium is also an easy nutrient to consume through foods such as cooked greens, dairy, and canned bone in fish. In some situations, a calcium supplement may be prescribed by a doctor to bring levels back to what is required for optimal health.



Iron is critical to assist the body in converting nutrients into energy. It helps distribute oxygen to cells, including those that make up the muscles. This process results in more fat-burning power because the body needs oxygen to oxidize and burn fat. Low iron levels can lead to feeling weak, easily fatigued, and low in energy. Since weight loss is typically a result of lifestyle changes, this can make it hard to exercise or feel motivated to make healthy choices. Thankfully, iron can be easily supplemented through diet changes or in pill form. Foods that have higher iron levels include meats, eggs, beans, cashews, some greens, and artichokes.


Vitamin D

It’s possible that Vitamin D can help to control blood sugar levels, lead to lower body fat percentages, and reduce inflammation in the body. However, there hasn’t been enough research to completely confirm these findings. In any case, Vitamin D is important to keep teeth, muscles, and bones healthy which can all affect wellness and activity levels. Vitamin D deficiency is also known to contribute to increased cases of depression and seasonal affective disorder which can both greatly affect any weight loss plan. A daily supplement can help return Vitamin D levels back to normal and contribute to overall health goals.



Magnesium is critical for effective energy production and a healthy metabolism as well. It also helps with normal muscle contractions, heart rhythm, and nerve impulses in the body. Properly regulated blood sugar, insulin levels, and reduced bloating may also be byproducts of proper magnesium consumption, especially in people who are already overweight. Foods that contain magnesium are seeds, nuts, and spinach. Magnesium can easily be increased through supplements, however, always talk to a doctor first. Too much magnesium can be harmful when mixed with some underlying health issues.


Why Look to Nutrients and Supplements for Weight Loss

It's important to note that increasing any one supplement is not a magic solution to quick weight loss. A complete implementation of a doctor-approved lifestyle and wellness choices is always the best way to pursue and maintain healthy, lifelong weight loss. However, adding in nutrients and supplements for weight loss can be healthy ways to support an existing plan.



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